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Oh boy!....I mean Oh people!....this is stupid.... I'm thinking a "dick purse" is that little pocket in the front of our underwear. y r all porn stars blonde and look lyk barbie jeez dnt they hae a life or r dey lyk da losers dat watch dis PERVERTS Not what they would find hot. "the PPC version of SNES9X on the PS3 chokes hard when you try to use an alternate button configuration for your controller" All the smart people are watching porn movies? with nud no matter how cruel it is inflicted. so sad how girls are so desperate for attention. I hope that Wii is duct-taped to that subwoofer. Yeah, and they sure as hell didn't act out at Applebee's either. O that came as a shock Also, I wouldn't take any tech advice from someone who puts a subwoofer on top of a table. ed| 7u| 5|

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A friend of mine installed Yellow Dog Linux on his PS3 when he got it. Ohio = the new Florida. Men go after what they think everyone else will find hot. But it's perfectly legal to 'train' your animals with them... I hope Federer bounces back from this loss. At least he's gonna pay for that in prison. One reason why you should watch it. Oh, and in response to the comments "you'd think the kids woulda learnt" and "I bet his kids are well-behaved"... i shed a tear for these girls All the smart people are watching porn movies? with nud nice bub n asssssssss Stuff has a nasty habit of falling off of subwoofers. 5| 5| 7u|

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I feel sad for Federer but what can you do, Nadal is an amazing player. They both are! "total full-screen does not appear to work (or at least I couldn't get it to work) on the PS3." if ur a lesbo and wanna tak dirty add me! O that came as a shock I forget there is even a game on. Mostly i just use my PSP for emulation these days though. arcade ambience mp3s playing, wahcade running as my frontend for it all. lol my cat did the same Did it work? It's more than grotesque consumerism and spandex sodden with man juices. Ah, not sexist at all, then. Its cases like this where i believe the most fitting punishment would be for him to experience the same treatment. umj 65 567